(813) 978-3900
Call UsThe Sunshine Lighting Co 's passion is not only lighting, but spreading positivity and making sure the whole process is easy and non-stressful for you! We are licensed and insured and our team specializes in select categories of Outdoor Lighting.
Our love for outdoor lighting started at a very young age and continues to grow today! Seeing our customers smile when we help achieve their dreams is truly an honoring feeling. We go above and beyond for our customers satisfaction as we continue to grow our companies future.
Can you tell us about your business?
I got started in outdoor lighting in the last year. I’m originally from Georgia but moved down to Jacksonville with only $100 in my pocket but saw how huge of a market there was for outdoor lighting down here and decided to make it happen! I started with 6 sharpie signs out on the side of the road. One day the owner of a big hotel saw the sharpie sign and reached out. Taking a chance on myself and using a simple sharpie sign really changed my life.
How did you get into the landscape lighting business?
First I searched to see if there was really even a market for it and come to find out there’s a huge market for it. But I vividly remember me and my girlfriend driving down to Florida and just saw all these beautiful neighborhoods. We could just tell the difference when a house is beautifully lit up, how much better it looked compared to a normal house. So that’s when I knew, I think every house needs lights. So that’s where the dream started, just lighting up the world one house out a time.
What percentage of your business is landscape lighting/what other services do you provide (ie: landscaping, irrigation, electrical…)?
I do a little bit of outdoor audio, but I’d say 95% landscape lighting.
How long have you been installing landscape lighting?
A little bit over a year.
What AMP products do you prefer to use? Which fixtures are your favorite?
Alright it sounds really basic, but you have to go with the EcoPro G2. I probably sell and install more of those than any other fixture, but you got to put the MR16 RGBCW RF bulb in there. Who doesn’t love color changing lights! I recommend that bad boy to every one of my customers.
What tips or tricks have you learned that have benefited your work from a design/installation perspective?
I’d say just being really visual. Imagine the house being lit up before it’s even lit up. That’s one thing I’ve grown on since I started doing this. I can look at a house and, in my head, I can visualize how it’s going to look, what needs to go where, and how it needs to be done before I’m even at the house. I’d just say staying super open minded on your lighting and using your imagination. Just make sure to avoid dark spots. A lot of people think it’s going to be too many lights, but I’m telling you, if you have a nice balanced spread of light, it will change the entire look of your house in the dark. I’d say my answer to the question is to use your imagination.
Tell me about your sales process. How do you find your customers? What is your sales process? Do you use sales tools such as a free demo…
I’m actually not even kidding, I’m about to order the sales kit. But I mainly use google or word of mouth. I spend a pretty good amount of money on marketing. I have some marketing guys that deal with my SEO. Basically, the process is you call me, I come out and quote/ design for you. I get both done in between 2-3 hours, same day. Once the customer gives me the approval, I usually have everything installed within 72 hours. We move quick around here haha.
Where do you find inspiration for your lighting designs?
Just being open-minded, visualizing it, and thinking to yourself where it’s going to be dark and where it needs to be highlighted the most. Just really being open-minded is the key there.
What do you feel is the most personally rewarding part of installing a lighting system for a client?
Seeing the smile on their face,100% best feeling EVER. Nothing beats seeing the smile on customers faces when they see their vision come to life. I personally get more excited than my customers, I think. But I’d definitely say that smile.
Tell us a little bit about you personally: What do you like to do outside of work? What are your hobbies?
I love surfing, and spending time with my girlfriend and friends. I grew up competitive wave boarding, so I’ve been on the water my whole life. I’d definitely say being on the water is my favorite thing to do when I’m not working.
AMP® Lighting appreciates the Professionals that make us who we are and why we strive, daily, to fulfill our vision statement. Our outstanding AMP® Pros deserve to be recognized for their exceptional landscape lighting work and to highlight some of our AMP® MVPs (most valuable professionals)!
Interested in being featured as an AMP® Contractor of the Month?
Contact Zach Evensen at: zache@amplighting.com
AMP® Pros have the skills and experience to design and install professional landscape lighting. They are also committed to the use of high quality products and best practices in the design, installation, and maintenance of their work. These distinctions qualify them to become AMP® Pros.
The goal of AMP® Lighting is to elevate the profession of landscape lighting by providing AMP® Pros with the high-performance products and the professional support they need to succeed.
There is no cost to become an authorized AMP® Pro.