(813) 978-3900
Call UsOutdoor Renovations LLC has grown into a leader in the markets they serve. Over the years, David and Steve have refined every aspect of their process to perfect their business to what it is now. From acquiring customers through word of mouth, Google Ads and social media, establishing a system that prequalifies customers before scheduling a free home demonstration, to their sales presentation, design process and advanced installation techniques, they have built an incredible business. Due to the high quality service they provide to their customers they remain booked 4-6 weeks in advance.
When David Lloyd hired Steve Beddow right out of college to work with him at a wholesale landscape supply company, little did he know he hired his future business partner. Seeing a huge opportunity in landscape lighting, they left their full-time jobs 7 years ago to create Outdoor Renovations LLC.
How did you get your start in the landscape lighting business?
Our business is owned by David Lloyd and Steve Beddow. We both have horticultural backgrounds and sold landscape lighting for several years while managing a wholesale landscape supply company. It was frustrating to watch some installations and the lack of knowledge which drove us to go out and provide a superior service.
What percentage of your business is landscape lighting/what other services do you provide (ie: landscaping...)?
We are roughly 95% landscape lighting. Everyone once and a while we will do a small planting job when we we are installing the lighting.
How long have you been installing landscape lighting?
We have been installing landscape lighting for more than 7 years now.
What type of lighting fixtures do you prefer to use? Which fixtures are your favorite?
We prefer Amp Control Pro 500 fixtures, Amp Control Pro 300, and Magnum Pro Pathlights. Really, all of the control Pro models are excellent and we use all of them. It's the dimmable feature that can really dial in a great lighting portrait.
Why do you prefer AMP Lighting over other brands/companies?
Amp Lighting truly has the best customer service and amazingly fast shipping. Two critical things you need if your business relies on products!
What tips or tricks have you learned that have benefited your work from a design/installation perspective?
Every job gets a free complete lighting demo. This ensures lights are positioned in the best possible locations. This also allows the customer to see the products and lighting portrait before they make a decision. We can also design the system to their desires and budget.
Where do you find inspiration for your lighting designs?
We are constantly looking at new techniques for installations. We have an extensive background in horticulture, understand the growth of plants and how they should be illuminated. Over the years, we noticed the number one point of failure in landscape lighting - connection points. We solder every connection outside of the transformer and then apply a waterproof connector. This ensures zero oxidation at connection points and makes them impossible to come apart.
What do you feel is most rewarding about installing landscape lighting?
We are literally bringing a completely new look to the customers home. Seeing the customers excitement and joy once complete is such a reward in itself! We want every job to be amazing and it all starts with our demonstrations.
Tell us a little about you personally: What do you like to do outside of work? What are your hobbies?
Dave Lloyd likes to spend time with his family enjoying outdoor activities like skiing. He also enjoys woodworking and traveling. Steve Beddow enjoys fishing, hiking, and watching sports.
AMP® Lighting appreciates the Professionals that make us who we are and why we strive, daily, to fulfill our vision statement. Our outstanding AMP® Pros deserve to be recognized for their exceptional landscape lighting work and to highlight some of our AMP® MVPs (most valuable professionals)!
Interested in being featured as an AMP® Contractor of the Month?
Contact Zach Evensen at: zache@amplighting.com
AMP® Pros have the skills and experience to design and install professional landscape lighting. They are also committed to the use of high quality products and best practices in the design, installation, and maintenance of their work. These distinctions qualify them to become AMP® Pros.
The goal of AMP® Lighting is to elevate the profession of landscape lighting by providing AMP® Pros with the high-performance products and the professional support they need to succeed.
There is no cost to become an authorized AMP® Pro.