(813) 978-3900
Call UsBrady Irrigation & Outdoor Lighting has over 30 years industry experience in irrigation and outdoor lighting services and installs. Specializing in new installation and repairs of sprinkler systems/irrigation, as well as outdoor lighting install and repair.
We are a husband/wife partnership that hit the ground running May 2021 and haven’t looked back. Irrigation, low voltage, and outdoor lighting are the foundation of our company. Chris has 30 years of experience in the industry, while Tracy has the business management background.
How did you get into the landscape lighting business?
Chris started working for his dad when he was 18. Irrigation and outdoor lighting has always been his backbone. Tracy began helping Chris on weekends and fell in love with designing the landscape lighting layout. Tracy showed Chris his potential. Chris says his only regret is he didn’t start sooner.
What percentage of your business is landscape lighting/what other services do you provide (ie: landscaping, irrigation, electrical…)?
It fluctuates with seasons but we are currently 80% outdoor lighting and 20% irrigation.
How long have you been installing landscape lighting?
Chris, 30 yrs. Tracy, about 6 months.
What AMP products do you prefer to use? Which fixtures are your favorite?
So far, we have used the AMP® EcoPro MR16 Spotlight (Lamp-Ready) and the AMP® TerrainPro Path Light (Lamp-Ready), and look forward to using more products in the future!
What tips or tricks have you learned that have benefitted your work from a design/installation perspective?
Schedule your installation to be completed between 5:00 & 6:00 pm. Easier to adjust lights, if needed. Great time to take photos of your work. Also, it’s around the time the neighbors are coming home, which helps with growing our business.
Tell me about your sales process. How do you find your customers? What is your sales process? Do you use sales tools such as a free demo…?
We always keep an EcoPro on the truck. When a customer can see the quality and craftsmanship, it helps to close the deal. Word of mouth is our best tool. We offer online booking, through our website. This has become a excellent tool for us and customers love it. We advertise at a local golf course, while using Google and Next-door. We were awarded Next door’s 2021 Neighborhood Favorite, only 7 months in business at the time.
Where do you find inspiration for your lighting designs?
Tracy likes to check out the AMP Lighting Design Gallery. Chris finds his inspiration from the surrounding landscape. Both agree it’s the love of meeting new people and limitless design options.
What do you feel is the most personally rewarding part of installing a lighting system for a client?
Multiple consultations, the client has addressed needing lighting at their children’s windows. Knowing we provided additional security for a family, is the reward.
Tell us a little bit about you personally: What do you like to do outside of work? What are your hobbies?
Road trips, Camaro’s, and concerts. Chris plays drums and Tracy plays bass.
AMP® Lighting appreciates the Professionals that make us who we are and why we strive, daily, to fulfill our vision statement. Our outstanding AMP® Pros deserve to be recognized for their exceptional landscape lighting work and to highlight some of our AMP® MVPs (most valuable professionals)!
Interested in being featured as an AMP® Contractor of the Month?
Contact Zach Evensen at: zache@amplighting.com
AMP® Pros have the skills and experience to design and install professional landscape lighting. They are also committed to the use of high quality products and best practices in the design, installation, and maintenance of their work. These distinctions qualify them to become AMP® Pros.
The goal of AMP® Lighting is to elevate the profession of landscape lighting by providing AMP® Pros with the high-performance products and the professional support they need to succeed.
There is no cost to become an authorized AMP® Pro.