AMP® Account FAQs


AMP® Lighting Custom Shopping Carts

We added a custom function to allow our Pros to save custom shopping carts for later, or to duplicate previous orders. The process is simple: add products to the shopping cart and select the "Save Shopping Cart" button.

AMP® Pros can save multiple carts. Carts can be viewed and accessed from the "Customer Accounts" page by selecting the "Saved Shopping Carts" link in the "My Account" navigation. Save Shopping Cart extension provides a "Restore cart" button to restore your saved cart.

Click here to learn more about the AMP® Lighting Save Custom Shopping Carts.

AMP® Enhanced Order Notes

We enhanced a feature to make creating and searching for customer PO’s more convenient for our AMP® Pros. Previously, a contractor would have to individually click through their past orders to locate a specific Customer’s PO#. The process has been simplified, Click here to learn more about the AMP® Enhanced Order Notes.